Okay ladies, listen up. Those of you who constantlyyyyy post on Facebook that you are "Looking for Mr. Right, still waiting for prince charming, so alone, wishing someone loved you, ect " QUIT THE BULLSHIT ! You look ridiculous. Why make yourself look so desperate? ALL of you on my friends list are so young. What's the rush ladies ! Love yourself enough to not throw yourself out there like this. RESPECT yourself. Sure, most people can't wait to fall in love and think on what it would be like, but you're so young. When God decides you are ready to love and be loved in return, he will bring you " Mr. Right." So stop rushing things and "falling" for every Mr. Right Now that gives you the attention your MIND craves. Your heart doesn't want to be hurt over and over again, so it cannot be a craving of the heart. Be patient and trust that it will happen. Stop making YOU look bad, stop making ME look bad, stop making all of us young ladies look bad. In reality, most of you don't even know the first thing about love and you throw the word around like it has no value. Be young, discover new things in life that compliment you, learn to love yourself, and most importantly, JUST LIVE. It'll happen.
Im begging you, don't take away from your value and make yourself un-dateable to men.Your craving for commitment and your self imposed deadlines eliminates ANY hope of a healthy relationship. Who says you have to be married by 25 with kids? Once you get lost in the thought of being alone, you begin to shorten your expectations in a man and begin to settle for anyone who MIGHT be able to become your ideal man one day. DON'T DO THIS! This only results in heartbreak. One day you will get tired of not being able to mold this man and you will leave. Or he will leave you for making him feel less than what he is. One who isn't for you, is for someone else so don't waste his time.
If in time you find that you CANNOT learn to chill the fuck out and still choose to TRY and overwrite God's time line, you might have a better chance standing on some corner holding a huge sign saying "I'm desperate!" I'm sure many guys will line up then.
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